The game contains no text and is entirely voiced by non-linear storytelling with an original soundtrack composed by Toby Fox. The game revolves around the protagonist’s search for their father, who he must kill to break the crushing oppression of the kingdom. After a successful Kickstarter campaign in September 2013, the first demo version of Undertale was released on October 15th, 2014. The game’s development began in April 2013 when creator Toby Fox announced on Twitter that he was making an RPG under an assumed name which has since been revealed to be Undertale. The game was released in September 2015 and re-released in December 2016 for the PlayStation 4 and PlayStation Vita platforms as part of Sony’s promotion of indie games.
So, Undertale is a role-playing game developed by Toby Fox for Microsoft Windows, OS X, and Linux. Sure many of you don’t need more introduction, but there’s a first time for everything. 5 How Much Money Can You Make From Creating Games Like Undertale?.4 What are Any Other Alternatives for GameMaker?.3.2 Storylines keep the game interesting.3 How Can You Create Games Like Undertale with GameMaker?.